Hi I’m Dixon Gardner. I am a Registered Investment Advisor in California.

License info: California Investment Advisor License CRD 324028 and 1293639 – Series 65 License
Offered in Person

Welcome to Mt. Timp Capital.   

The mission of Mt. Timp Capital is to be your trusted guide to help you to achieve your financial goals. 

As the proprietor of Mt. Timp Capital, I have the experience to be your trusted guide. I have a bachelor’s degree in economics, masters in business administration in accounting and finance, and law degree.  I am a certified public accountant, which includes working over three years as a financial statement auditor for a Big Four Accounting firm and preparing tax returns for clients.  I have practiced business law for over 20 years wherein I have litigated the value of companies, which required me to depose expert valuation witnesses in minute detail about their valuation methods.  I have drafted disclosure statements over 100 pages in length with detailed financial information and projections to describe the business and risks of that business to creditors to vote in favor of my clients’ reorganization plans.  I have represented a public company in its SEC matters and transactions as general counsel.  I regularly am involved in buying and selling private businesses as a trusted business advisor.  I have studied dozens of businesses and industries since I obtained my MBA from NYU’s Stern School of Business in 1990, which ranks as the third best graduate business school finance program in the U.S.A. according to the U.S. News & World Report in 2023.  As a lawyer, I regularly advise clients on tax matters.  In the last 20 years, I used these experiences in work and as an investor to succeed in capital markets despite their ups and downs. 

Just as you would hire a trusted guide as an inexperienced hiker to hike up a 11,000 ft mountain like Mt. Timp (short for Mount Timpanogos, the second highest mountain in the State of Utah) to navigate the risks, uncertainties, and fears to follow the trail to reach its summit, I invite you to hire me to navigate the risks, uncertainties, and fears of investing in capital markets today to guide you on the trail to reach the summit of your financial goals.

The process to hire Mt. Timp Capital as your investment advisor is simple: 

Let’s meet to discuss your current financial situation and develop a plan specifically tailored to your financial situation on how to reach your goals.  Then, I will manage your money to achieve these goals: whether it is to minimize taxes, preserve wealth, generate income, or earn capital gains. 

If you want to learn how to be a guide (i.e. an investor able to conduct your own research and make your own investment decisions) contact me for a quote on a course to do so.

Mt. Timp Capital offers a quarterly newsletter at $15 per quarter paid in advance for a list of securities for the following investment strategies: value investing in securities trading for less than their fair value;  income investing with securities with growing income streams; and, income investing in securities with fixed income streams.   
Send me an email for more information.

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